RepScan Alert Service

The way to control what the Internet says about companies, brands and individuals

We alert you to content that harms your reputation

We alert you to content that harms your personal and company reputation

What can RepScan Alert do for you?

Receive real-time alerts 24/7

eliminar rastro de internet

We monitor and protect your reputation

Monitoring and alert service tailored to each case

Our service is tailored to individuals and companies. That is why we offer a complete service according to the customer’s needs.

We track the keywords of your name/company and related if necessary.

We can do weekly, daily and even hourly analysis if your case is important.


Yes, this is a premium service whose cost is detailed in our pricing page here. We offer discounts if you contract for one year or more.

You do not have permanence in the service if you contract on a monthly basis. If you contract on an annual basis, you will receive the service for as long as you have contracted it, even if you cancel.

You will be able to monitor as many as you consider necessary. We recommend starting with your name or its variants or your company name.

The moment the reputation is affected, you will have an action plan from our side. This plan has a cost depending on the situation or need. We will never do anything that you do not consent to.

Initially you will receive them in your email and you will be able to view the incidents or your reputation index in the tool with your username and password.

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Press the "Contact" button and explain your problem to us / Presiona el botón "Contactar" y explícanos tu problema