Comprehensive Reputation Analysis Service

Exhaustive analysis of
online reputation

Reputation is important and if you don't know what is being said about you or your company on the Internet, you could be in trouble.

Reputation is important and if you don't know what is being said about you or your company on the Internet, you could be in trouble.

Who is this service for?

Knowing the online reputation of your person or company makes the difference between having a quiet life and living with the tension of having something unwanted or false discovered.

Entrepreneurs, managers and companies

The average tenure of Fortune 500 CEOs is only 4.6 years and of management positions less than 2 years worldwide.
Keeping your reputation or that of your company impeccable will allow you to more easily find your next challenge and the best professionals.

Individuals and professionals with high visibility on the Internet

People whose jobs depend on their online presence have the most to lose if they don’t know what is being said about them online.
Knowing it and highlighting the positive parts will make you stand out more than other professionals.

Celebrities, artists and famous people

The more visibility and recognition a person has, the more he has to lose if something happens to his reputation. The Internet allows you to publish content without control but we offer you the possibility to find everything that is said about you.

Persons who have had problems with the law

Any person who has gone through a judicial process has the right to digital social reintegration. That is why if you have suffered any judicial process we can help you identify all the content that affects you negatively and give you a plan of action to eliminate the criminal record.

Our technology is able to make a real and objective assessment of the online reputation, which will allow you to know the degree of perception of your person or company on the Internet and act as necessary.

How do we do it?

Our service is created for individuals and companies where reputation is an important part of their life or business.

Our tool extracts data about your person or company from the Search Engines and Social Networks most used by users.

We detect the authority of the presence in the results obtained and analyze whether these results have a negative or neutral connotation for the reputation.

With our algorithm we score each of the results, taking into account several parameters such as position, number of visits, site that hosts the content, number of users of the site…

Finally, we offer you the online reputation index, indicating the status and the actions we can take to improve it if necessary.

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This service includes an exhaustive analysis of online reputation.

It is a detailed dossier with all the relevant information that our tool has found about you (analyzed and catalogued) presented together with an action plan to improve it if necessary.

The service only includes the exhaustive analysis and action plan. In the action plan we can include the cost of the operations necessary to restore your reputation.

Yes, we can perform analyses for third parties or companies as long as the requesting person is legally authorized to perform this type of actions.

It is completely legal because the data we collect and use to perform this analysis is public to anyone.

This is an exhaustive analysis from which our tool draws all the initial data. If you want to follow the evolution of your online reputation, the ideal is to contract the RepScan Alert service.

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