Remove Google Review service

We remove reviews
of Google

We delete reviews, accounts and photos from Google My Business to improve online reputation.

We delete reviews, accounts and photos from Google My Business to improve online reputation.

Restoring your business reputation on Google

Google My Business and Google Maps are two of the places where you should be present if you want to stand out with your business. We help you keep your online reputation intact.

We remove fake reviews

We remove reviews that are detrimental to your business from Google My Business and Google Maps:

  • Negative reviews left by your competitors.
  • Multiple negative reviews by the same person.
  • Fake reviews.
  • Reviews from fake profiles.
  • Insulting and defamatory reviews.
  • Reviews that violate your rights.

We will restore your business reputation so you can live with peace of mind.

Delete Google My Business account

Sometimes the best solution to avoid problems is to remove a Google My Business profile, as it negatively affects the reputation of the business.

Thanks to our technology we can do it for you. In addition, if you wish, we will help you to create a new profile with an impeccable reputation.

We delete photos

Within Google My Business and Google Maps anyone can publish photos about a business, that’s why we offer you the possibility to remove them.

We can delete images:

  • Containing harmful or false content.
  • Images showing sensitive personal data.
  • Violate the dignity and privacy of individuals.
  • Images that have been accidentally posted to your profile.

A single image can negatively affect your online reputation.

Innovative technology for rapid removal

RepScan’s technology allows you to effectively remove content from Google.

Our technology is capable of detecting patterns of behaviour and locates reviews that harm your business by analysing more than 20 different parameters.

If the software finds a legal basis to remove it, it will do so.

Why should you buy RepScan?

The content detection and removal technology is fast, highly effective and completely safe for the people and companies that use it.

Economical and transparently priced

One of our values is transparency in the cost of the service. Affordable prices from €95 and money back if we are unable to remove the content.

Quick removal of content

Thanks to our innovative technology, we detect and remove content from the Internetthat harms online reputation.

Service provided by individuals and totally confidential

We refund the money if we do not remove the content. Total confidentiality of the case thanks to lawyer-client privilege.

We can also boost your business on Google

With our comprehensive management service of Google My Business and Google Maps you will get a 10 profile without having to do anything:

  • 100% positive and real reviews.
  • Profile monitoring.
  • Action in the event of incidents.
  • Effective response to new reviews and customers.

Removal is only one step towards improving reputation. Boosting your business with positive reviews from your customers is the ultimate step.


Yes, the cost of this service varies depending on the case and starts at €95. You can find out the cost on our pricing page.

Deleting your Google My Business profile means that you lose control of your business, so someone else can take it over and even make changes.

Check out our content to get a better understanding of what happens when you delete a listing from Google My Busines

If you do it through our service, we will make sure that this does not happen.

If you have any kind of problem with your Google reviews or your business this service is for you.

We can manage the removal of photos, profiles or reviews if they have a legal basis or are fake.

In this service we can manage the removal of false reviews or reviews that violate honour or privacy, images and Google My Business accounts.

We can also help you in some cases such as changes of business, type of service or company or changes of address or data. You can consult us without obligation.

Thanks to our innovative technology we get search engines, websites and social networks to remove the content we request.

Además, la legislación vigente nos permite eliminar ciertos contenidos que vulneren derechos de las personas.

You get your money back. If we are unable to remove what you have requested from the Internet, we will refund the money you have paid. We only charge if we manage to eliminate what you have requested.

Yes, our quick removal tool allows you to remove reviews, photos and videos from all existing review sites if necessary.

Yes, with our continuous monitoring system we detect republishing of previously deleted content. Our system alerts you to any changes and proposes the best solution for each case.

Yes. Apart from removal, one aspect that we consider important is the management of the profile in order to get more positive reviews and thus improve reputation and Google ranking. Ask us without commitment.

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