About us

About us

Why RepScan?

Someone uploads a humiliating photo of a young man during a party. Years later, when he’s looking for a job, that’s still the first picture that pops up of him when you type his name on the Internet.

In another case, a professional is charged in a judicial process. Despite being acquitted, comments about him on the Internet cause him to have his bank accounts closed, loans denied and lose customers.

In a third case, parents see how images and videos of bullying suffered by their son or daughter are distributed online, adding cyberbullying to physical bullying.

In a final example, a young woman sees how an intimate photo of herself is published by her ex-partner on social networks, forums, websites and does not know what to do to remove it.

Millions of people around the world face similar situations every day. They are not in control of their digital image and content posted on the Internet by third parties is ruining their lives.

RepScan was created to help resolve these situations.

We believe that everyone has the right to be able to control their image on the Internet. We visualize a future where both individuals and companies will have the ability to manage their negative reputation on the Internet. We are convinced that online reputation management is going to be essential in a world that is increasingly connected and where online presence is becoming more and more important.

A company born from an idea of the entrepreneur and lawyer Josep Coll Rodríguez, when a close relative shared with him the concern about some photographs of him that had been published on the Internet.

Our Mission Statement

Helping people anywhere in the world detect and remove negative content found the Internet with use of the best technology.

Our values

We want to offer an excellent service to our customers

The special needs of certain clients prevent us from offering services to politicians and public officials, both active and retired, and to people related to sexual, gender, racist, xenophobic or religious crimes (yes for the victims).

We do not harm to third parties

We do not create content about third parties that harms their reputation. We respect both our customers and the rest of society.

We do not falsify the truth

We only create neutral positive content. In other words, we generate content that reflects objectively truthful information.

RepScan team

Josep Coll Rodríguez

– Chief Executive Officer and co-founder

Lawyer specialized in intellectual/industrial property and university professor.
20 years of practice and more than 10 years fighting piracy on the Internet. Founder of Redpoints, a technology company that today is number one in the world in removing counterfeit branded products from the Internet.
“Entrepreneur of the Year 2018” by Catalunya Ràdio, “Emprendedor XXI” awarded by Enisa and CaixaBank, the award for “Best Startup 2014” by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the award for “Best Startup 2016”, awarded by the reputable business school ESADE.

Mar Jufresa

– Chief Product Officer and co-founder

This graduate in Criminology, has more than 10 years of experience in the fight against digital crimes and in the development of Legaltech digital products.
Her educational background allows her to elaborate a correct risk management, elaborate crime maps, analyze security and prevention data, and provide solutions from a multidisciplinary point of view.

Coque Moreno

– Chief Operations Officer and co-founder

He has more than 10 years of experience in digital asset protection and is a specialist in Operations and Analytics. He has led teams of up to 60 people in multiple countries and with different time zones, cultures and ways of doing things, achieving highly efficient and synchronized teams.

Óscar Sánchez Galán

Head of Platform Operations

It excels in the protection of online content and the prevention of Internet infringements. As a criminologist specializing in the digital domain, he is responsible for implementing technical and operational solutions for the enforcement of rights on the network. He is an expert in the digital protection of assets and rights of individuals and legal entities, from intellectual property protection to the fight against cyberbullying.

Lluís Llorens aka Karpin

– Chief Technology Officer

Computer Engineer with more than 25 years working as a technology professional. His expertise ranges from Linux/Unix system administration, through server and database tuning to Web/Intranet programming.

David Ramos Dolz

– Sales Manager

Sales professional with training in the commercial area and internationalization in several business schools and developing in sectors such as the chemical, automotive or construction in which he has acquired experience and knowledge of the world of negotiation and sales.

Marbila Reyes

– Chief Content Officer

Chemical engineer who throughout her career has demonstrated a great ability to manage and lead many and varied operations at the same time. Behind her, projects for various companies and organizations at international, local and national level.

Albert Llorens Mestre

– Full Stack Java Developer

Computer Engineer with more than 15 years of experience in application development, mainly Web and also for mobile devices.

Alejandra Mathieu

– Head of Enforcement & Online Protection

Specialist in protection and removal of online content, with experience in Startups and large companies such as Amazon. Her young age has not prevented her from standing out in her sector and demonstrating leadership in managing technology-related projects.

Santiago Luca Cascardo

– Java Developer

Superior Degree in Multiplatform Application Development. Since I was a kid I have always loved technology, I loved to create things and I always said I wanted to be an inventor.

Ryan Blaney

– Partner & USA Country Manager

He has been practicing law since 2005, where he began his career with a top Intellectual Property firm in Barcelona, Spain. Ryan grew up in both Los Angeles, California and Barcelona, Spain and speaks four languages.

Macarena López-Roberts

– Partner in Florida

Marketing expert with a Master’s degree in Marketing and Sales Management, as well as a degree in Marketing and Communication. He has led strategic projects for national and international companies and media, covering areas such as Culture, Gastronomy, Sports, Philanthropy and Entertainment. She is also the author of the novel “HONOR”, published in April 2022, which deals with the Right to Honor and Oblivion on the Internet, and is currently in the process of audiovisual adaptation.

RepScan Advisors

David López

He is a PhD doctor, specialized in digital strategy (certified by ANECA and AQU), MBA by ESADE, Master in Project Management (PMP certified) and Electronics Engineer and Telecommunications technician.
Co-founder and strategy director of FHIOS SmartKnowledge and advisor to several digital startups.

César Bardají

He is a PhD doctor, specialized in digital strategy (certified by ANECA and AQU), MBA by ESADE, Master in Project Management (PMP certified) and Electronics Engineer and Telecommunications technician.
Co-founder and strategy director of FHIOS SmartKnowledge and advisor to several digital startups.

Javier Asarta

CEO and director of Igen Biolab Group AG (Switzerland/Madrid), advisor at Dexeus Salud de la Mujer (gynecology) and director of Germaine de Capuccini (cosmetics).

Jordi Rivera

Chief Executive Officer of DAS Seguros and DAS Lex in Spain.

He holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration and is an insurance actuary from the Universidad Central de Barcelona. Diploma in Senior Management from IESE Business School.

Alberto Díez

CEO and director of Grupo Salim (food), director of Dexeus Salud de la Mujer (health), Germaine de Capuccini (cosmetics) and Sandman Capital Partners (collective investment manager). He is also an advisor at Playmedia (experiential marketing).

Santiago Olivas

General Manager of the IMAN group of companies.

Economist, he has developed a Program for Board Members at ESADE, PDG at IESE, as well as a Master in Operations and several Postgraduate Degrees in Corporate Finance, Management Control and Company Restructuring.

Manuel Marín

CoFounder at LIVALL & CEO at LIVALL Europe.

15 years of experience in Senior Management and Executive Committee positions at Apple and Telefónica.

Active entrepreneurship in the companies Wallbox as COO, Lival Tech as CTO and COO and QnanoTech as CEO.

Marc Borràs

Industrial Design Engineer with a passion for technology and internet services.

More than 12 years creating digital products in different sectors, in companies such as Idealista, Ontruck, Consentio and Emagister.

Juan Carlos Tous De La Prada

Entrepreneur, businessman, founder and CEO of FILMIN

“Self made man” always innovating in the ways of bringing cinema to homes. From VHS to Streaming.

Our team
keeps growing

We are looking for good people. If so, we invite you to join our team.

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