B2C Service

Delete the negative things that Internet
says about you

We improve your online reputation by removing content that harms you

We improve your online reputation by removing content that harms you

Your reputation is the reputation of your business

“The first step before doing business with someone is to find out what appears about them on the Internet. On many occasions, it is also the last step. A bad online reputation causes clients to look elsewhere. No matter if it is a personal or professional issue, any negative information leads to diminishing opportunities. RepScan helps you to not lose any business because of what appears about you online.”

Manage the reputation of your customers

“Managing brand image and identity involves managing online reputation. With RepScan, brand management becomes easier as you help your clients grow their business by avoiding a negative reputation. Our platform gives you a handle on what the community says and helps you overcome reputational crises.”

Delete the digital trail of cases

“A significant part of cases handled by a lawyer leaves a digital footprint. On many occasions, this digital trace is detrimental to the client. RepScan helps the lawyer eliminate all such online traces for his or her clients. With our tool, lawyers can provide a comprehensive service to their clients.”

As an executive, your reputation is your most important asset.

”It is an undeniable fact that the reputation of the CEO and other high-level executives are important for success and, moreover, represent an extremely valuable asset. A company’s corporate reputation is linked to the reputation of its executives, especially top-level managers. Ensuring that all company executives have their reputation under control is key to success. With RepScan it’s simple, inexpensive, and entirely legal.”

A bad reputation can sink your career

“We know of many top actors, musicians, and athletes who have had to abandon their professional careers because of a reputational crisis. A solid professional career can be ruined in a few days because of an out-of-context image, a manipulated video, or a fake news story. RepScan monitors everything that is published online and alerts you when negative content appears, giving you the option to remove it.”

What is published about you matters

“Companies search the Internet about you when you apply for a new job, a loan, or insurance. Unwanted online photos, videos, or news about you can close the door in these situations. Making sure that everything that appears is positive is key to avoiding problems. RepScan takes care of removing all content that affects you negatively.”

Trust in RepScan, the market leader in the field.

We have helped people in more than 15 countries. 100% effective or your money back

“As film, theater and television professionals, as public figures, we are exposed to public opinion that sometimes violates our rights to honor and privacy. RepScan has helped me remove photos so that I can exercise these rights also on the Internet, quickly and safely.”

Cristina Solà

Why should you buy RepScan?

The content detection and removal technology is fast, highly effective and completely safe for the people who use it.

Economical and transparently priced

One of our values is transparency in the cost of the service. Affordable prices and money back if we are unable to remove the content.

Quick removal of content

Thanks to our innovative technology, we detect and remove content from the Internetthat harms online reputation.

Service provided by individuals and totally confidential

We refund the money if we do not remove the content. Total confidentiality of the case thanks to lawyer-client privilege.

We can also enhance your positive side

With our digital image improvement service you will be able to increase your online reputation and decide what people can find about you on the Internet. Tell us what is positive about you and we will highlight it.


Yes, this is a premium service whose cost is detailed in our pricing page here. We offer volume discounts.

Thanks to our innovative technology we get search engines, websites and social networks to remove the content.

The current legislation allows us to remove the content that we request.

In addition, if removal is not possible due to legal impediment, we apply alternative techniques to improve online reputation.

Our quick detection and removal tool allows you to remove news, photos and videos from all existing social networks, from search engines such as Google and from any web page

Yes, we work with all types of clients, but we do not offer services to politicians, banks and convicted sex offenders, but we do work with victims.

We refund the money. If we are unable to remove your request from the Internet, we will proceed to refund the money paid. We only charge if we manage to eliminate what you have requested.

Yes, with our continuous monitoring system we detect republishing of previously deleted content. Our system alerts you of any change and proposes the best solution for each case.

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