Expungement service

Expungement of criminal records

We remove all criminal records that damage your reputation.

We remove all criminal records that damage your reputation.

Some of the consequences of having a criminal record

Closure of bank accounts or inability to open bank accounts
Loss of selection processes in public positions
Refusal of bank loans and mortgages
Rejection of coverage by insurance companies
Loss of employment opportunities
Loss of possible financial investments or financial support
Loss of real estate opportunities, renting and purchasing
Psychological fear and insecurity in certain life situations
Social rejection
Monopoly of negative facts in the curriculum
Refusal of visas to leave the country
Inability to start up again

What does the expungement service consist of?

We remove the stigma of having a criminal record from the Internet. We erase all content and news that links you to the judicial process or crime.

It is a right that all citizens have once they have served their sentence.

Does the criminal record clear itself?

Criminal records do not clear themselves and 57% of ex-prisoners do not get a job because they have a criminal record.

Proactively eliminating them is the key to full social and occupational reintegration.

Is it possible to remove a criminal record from the Internet?

Yes, from the Internet and wherever they are publicly registered.

Those convicted by final judgement who have extinguished their criminal liability have the right to expunge their criminal record within the time limits established by law.

How long does it take to expunge a criminal record?

Erasing a criminal record is possible within the time limits established by law from the time the sentence has been served.

It varies according to the type of offence and the seriousness of the offence, but in any case they can be removed if the requirements are met.

The maximum waiting time is 3 months by law from the time the expungement is requested.

Innovative technology for rapid removal

Our technology removes any type of information from the Internet in record time and at a very low cost.

We remove photos, videos and news from the Internet in less than 72 hours with a real efficiency of 84%.

When we don’t succeed, we refund the money. It’s that simple.


Thanks to our innovative technology we get search engines, websites and social networks to remove the content we request.

Además, la legislación vigente nos permite eliminar los antecedentes penales de las personas que lo soliciten, ya que es un derecho de todos los ciudadanos.

Once the sentence has been served, in order to expunge the criminal record, you must not have offended again during the following periods:

  • 6 months for light sentences.
  • 2 years for sentences not exceeding 12 months and those imposed for reckless offences.
  • 3 years for the remaining less serious penalties of less than 3 years.
  • 5 years for the remaining less serious penalties of 3 years or more.
  • 10 years for serious offences.

Once this time has elapsed, we can begin the process of expunging the criminal record.

You get your money back. If we are unable to remove what you have requested from the Internet, we will refund the money you have paid. We only charge if we manage to eliminate what you have requested.

Yes, our quick removal tool allows you to remove news, photos and videos from all existing social networks if necessary.

Yes, with our continuous monitoring system we detect republishing of previously deleted content. Our system alerts you to any changes and proposes the best solution for each case.

Yes, this is a service whose cost varies from case to case. You can find out the cost on our pricing page.

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